Mục lục Kinh điển Nam truyền   English Sutra Collection

Translated by: Unknown

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Đại Tạng Kinh Việt Nam {1.} A man buries a treasure in a deep pit, reasoning thus within himself, "When occasion arises this treasure will be of use to me,--{2.} if I am accused by the king, or plundered by robbers, or for release from debt, or in famine or in misfortune." Such are the reasons for which men conceal what in this world is called treasure.
{3.} Meanwhile all this treasure, lying day after day concealed in a deep pit, profits him nothing.
{4.} Either the treasure vanishes from its resting place, or its owner's sense becomes distracted with care, or Nāgas remove it,{5.} or malignant spirits convey it away, or his enemies or his kinsmen dig it up in his absence. The treasure is gone when the merit that produced it is exhausted.
{6.} There is a treasure that man or woman may possess, a treasure laid up in the heart, a treasure of charity, piety, temperance, soberness.
{7.} It is found in the sacred shrine, in the priestly assembly, in the individual man, in the stranger and sojourner, in the father, the mother, the elder brother.
{8.} A treasure secure, impregnable, that cannot pass away. When a man leaves the fleeting riches of this world, this he takes with him after death.
{9.} A treasure unshared with others, a treasure that no thief can steal. Let the wise man practise virtue: this is a treasure that follows him after death.
{10.} A treasure that gives every delight to gods and men; for whatsoever they desire with this treasure it may be bought.
{11.} Bloom, a sweet voice, grace and beauty, power and pomp, all these this treasure can procure.
{12.} Sovereignty and lordship, the loved bliss of universal empire, yea celestial rule among the gods, all these this treasure can procure.
{13.} All human prosperity, every pleasure in celestial abodes, the full attainment of Nirvāna, all these this treasure can procure.
{14.} Wisdom, enlightenment, tranquility, in one who lives wisely for the sake of virtuous friends, all these this treasure can procure.
{15.} Universal science, the eight emancipations of the mind, all the perfections of the disciple of Buddha, supernatural knowledge, supreme buddhaship itself, all these this treasure can procure.
{16.} Thus this possession of merit is of great and magical effect, therefore are good works praised by the wise and learned.
